Adding LassoBack Tracking Code to Your Email Marketing Messages

Adding LassoBack Tracking Code to Your Email Marketing Messages

As of the October updates to the system, most accounts will no longer need to add Lassoback codes to your links!

We have made changed to the platform that allows us to add the code to the Site Analytics, which automatically adds the code to the end of your links once the campaign is sent.

Please make sure NOT to delete the following from Campaign > Advance Features > Site Analytics




We want to capture the maximum number of abandoners the LassoBack platform is tracking even if the abandoner did not enter their email address as part of their abandonment.  You can help us track more abandoners by adding a small snippet of code to the email blasts you send to your recipients.  This will enable us to track and recover recipients that click from the email blast to your site and later abandon. For best results, the code should be added to all links in each email.

Please note that the variables in the following brackets "<<>>" should be replaced with the appropriate value.

<<CAMPNAME>> is the name (or an abbreviation of the name) of the email campaign that you are sending.  Please do not use special characters or spaces in the name.

<<EMAIL>> should be replaced with your email platform’s parameter for the recipient’s email data field.

<<API>> is your unique API key.  This key can be found on the LassoBack section “Getting Started” under the Account Settings tab.


Links without parameters

For a link without parameters (the link DOES NOT contain a "?" or an "&") you would add the following to the end of your link:


For example, the link would become:<<EMAIL>>&campname=<<CAMPNAME>>&api=<<API>>


Links with parameters

For a link with parameters (the link contains a "?" or an "&") you would add the following to the end of your link:


 For example the link would become:<<EMAIL>>&campname=<<CAMPNAME>>&api=<<API>>


Adding the complete link is no different than inserting a web link. You may want to use Notepad or WordPad to build out your links and then copy and paste them into your campaign.

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