If your account level allows it, you can upload documents and other files to your account which can be linked to from one or more email campaigns.
The option to add links appears on the ribbon whenever you are working on text or images. When adding links to text, first type the text into your email, then select that text before clicking the Link button and choose Link to Document from the menu of the window that pops up.
Documents are shown in a folder structure and you can click on the icons to navigate from one folder to another.
If you want to upload a new document click on the Show document manager link.
In the document manager you can upload new files, delete existing ones and create folders to help you to manage your files.
Files must be 4MB or less and can be any of the following filetypes: .csv, .doc, .docx, .dot, .eps, .gif, .html, .ical, .ics, .indd, .jpg, .mp3, .pdf, .png, .pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pub, .rtf, .txt, .vcf, .vcs, .xls, .xlsx, .xps.
A document link can have the following aspects set in the Add a link screen:
The text preview shows how this link will appear in the campaign.