Can I print or PDF my campaign report?

Can I print or PDF my campaign report?

To print a report for your campaign, select Reporting from the left navigation menu.

The main reporting screen will be displayed which details a list of all sent campaigns for the current month. Open the detailed view by clicking on the campaign name. The Print Report function is located to the right of the thumbnail above the Conversion Funnel.


When clicked, the Print report window opens and displays all the statistics for your campaign. At the top of the Print Report window you have three options. To send the report directly to your printer, click on PRINT PAGE.

If you wish to produce a PDF, perhaps to email through to someone else then click on the PDF button.

You can use the PERSONALIZE REPORT option to customize your report by uploading your own company logo and adding a message. When you select this option, the following window is displayed:-

Use the Browse button to select your image and click on the UPLOAD button. If you wish to add any comments to your report, enter them in the Optional commentary text box. When ready click the PRINT REPORT button and the report will be generated with your logo and text included.


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