Please note

If you're a top account owner (which means you don't belong to any another account, and you have child accounts), then Your team will be available to click on from the settings menu.

If you're an account owner belonging to another account, then you can click on Access to create, delete and edit users, as well as transfer account ownership. 

If you're a trial account, you won't have access to the team management feature. 


You can manage all of your accounts and users, as well as create them, by going to the settings cog on the bottom left and selecting Your team from the settings menu. 


This will take you to the 'Team management' area where you can also access other accounts, choose and assign the accounts users can access, set and edit default user permissions, delete account owners and other users, and choose to share templates across your accounts.

Before finding out how to do any of those things, here are some definitions to help you understand what a 'team', a 'user' and an 'account owner' is:

  • Team - A team is a group of different accounts which come under one invoice. For example, it might be a group of departments within a company that have an account each, or a group of sister companies with an account each, or a company that has a number of different brands with an account each; anything requiring different contacts, campaigns, reporting and so on. However, some things can be shared across accounts, and thus across a team.
  • Account owner - An account owner runs an account, under which they can manage numerous users and their permissions. An account only has one owner.
  • User - A user has access to an account, and will be managed by the account's owner. An account can have many users. An account owner can be made a user of another account.

And this is what is separate or can be shared across accounts:

Feature Separate/shared
Campaigns Separate
Contacts  Separate
From addresses  Separate
Images  Separate
Programs  Separate
Reports  Separate
Shared suppressions Can be shared 
Templates  Can be shared 

'Accounts' tab

This tab lists all of your team's accounts.


From here you can:

  • Create a new account - Click on New account to create an entirely separate workspace, in which contacts, campaigns and reports can all be different, whilst templates and suppressions can be shared. BEFORE ADDING A NEW ACCOUNT, PLEASE CONTACT OPENMOVES TO CONFIRM THAT THIS IS THE RIGHT OPTION FOR YOU, AS WELL AS ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH NEW ACCOUNTS.

    A window will open displaying the additional cost per month for the new account. Enter the email address of the new account owner and click Add account. The new account owner will be sent an invitation by email. Only once they have accepted the invitation will they be added to your accounts list.

  • Log into another account - Click on the login icon next to the account owner. The login icon won't be available against your own account, or against disabled accounts.

  • Drill down on an account's users - If an account has users, the amount will be shown under 'Users' and you can click on the number to drill down to the users of the account. 

  • Change account ownership - Tick the account you'd like to change ownership of, click on More actions and select Change account owner.

    A window will appear confirming the account you're transferring ownership from. From the dropdown, choose the user you wish to transfer ownership to. Enter your password and click Transfer ownership to confirm.

    Remember - once done, the previous owner of the account will lose access to the key administration areas. 

'Users' tab

This tab lists all of your team's users, including owners.


From here you can:

  • Create a new user - Click on New user. You'll be taken to the 'Add a new user' page where you'll first need to add the new user's email address.

    Next, choose the accounts you want the new user to be able to access, then click on the default permissions tab to choose the permissions you want to give the user. Read more on user permissions.

    Note: You MUST set the default permissions for the new user or else they will not have access to anything in the account.

    Once happy, click Save. The new account user will be sent an invitation by email. Only once they have accepted the invitation will they be added to your users.

  • Delete a user - Tick a user and then click Delete. This will remove the user from your team completely.

    Deleting a user who is also an owner will cancel their account.  

  • Edit a user's settings - Click on the Edit pencil icon next to a user to edit their settings.

You can enable or disable a user. Disabling a user who is also an owner will result disabling any users from using that account. You're able to change the accounts that the user has access to.

It's also possible to make an account owner a user of other accounts. Whereas a user can use the account switcher to switch between accounts, an owner will have an account impersonation icon in the top right corner of the app to select an account with.

You can also edit a user's default permissions for an account (for more information on the permissions, mouse over the available tooltips). If another of your users has made changes to a user's permissions, however, then you will see a mismatched user settings message informing you of this. It will let you know that you have the choice to leave the settings as they are, or set them to change them across all of your accounts for the user.

Once happy with the edited settings, click Save.

'Templates' tab

This tab is where you can select templates to share across your team's accounts, and any shared templates will display here.


From here you can:

  • Share a template - Click on Share new. This will take you to through to the templates you have in your 'My templates' section. You can mouse over a template to preview it, and to share it click on Share.

    This will create a new 'Shared templates' folder in the 'My templates' section for all of your users. All shared templates will be stored here. Any changes you make to a shared template will update for all users. Other users will be able to create campaigns from shared templates, but not edit or rename them.

  • Unshare a template - Mouse over a template and click Unshare.

  • Preview a shared template - To preview a shared template, mouse over it and click Preview.