The Email Campaigns tab displays the list of Email Campaigns available to the current user along with a variety of status information about each campaign.

All Email Campaigns are created using Email Studio or directly in the Marketing Automation application. They will be available in the Salesforce list after an initial synchronization has occurred. This initial synchronization can be achieved by using the Synchronize Email Campaign button or waiting for scheduled email campaign synchronization set in the Configuration tab.

If no Email Campaigns are selected the Synchronize Email Campaign button starts an immediate retrieval of any new Email Campaigns not yet in Salesforce along with their status information.

With one or more campaigns selected, the system will retrieve and update their associated behavioral data according to the data options selected.


When the Synchronise Email Campaign button is clicked an information pop up screen is displayed.


Depending on the number of selected Email Campaigns, the pop up will refresh to show the number of campaigns that will have their statistics updated.

Refresh the Email Campaigns screen to show any changes.

All times and dates are displayed as local values unless otherwise indicated.


The edit option in Email Campaign is used to determine what behavioural data is synchronised into Salesforce.


With Sync Campaign checked, at the next synchronisation of the Email Campaign any existing behavioural data will be retrieved and updated according to the other checked options.

Send Summaries - The contacts that have been sent the email., also the opens, bounces and unsubscribes.

Clicks - The unique number of contacts who have clicked a link in the email. 

ROI - Purchase data made by a contact linking to your website from a link in your email. 

Page Views - Track which pages your contacts go to after clicking a link in your email. 

Social Bookmarks - Which contacts shared the email and which networks your campaign was viewed on.

Allow Campaign Membership Update - Allows the updating of any linked campaign s member statuses when certain criteria are met.

When Allow Campaign Membership Update is checked, a note is displayed to explain its use (as above).

Click Save to return to the main Email Campaigns window.


The Deletion of Email Campaign is restricted by Salesforce permission and cannot be usually be undertaken by a standard user.

When the correct permission is available, the DEL option of Email Campaigns tab can be used to remove Email Campaign from Salesforce along with all the behavioural data.

To permanently delete an Email Campaign, delete it from the Marketing Automation Application before deleting it from Salesforce.

Note - If a campaign has not been removed from Marketing Automation, but not yet deleted from Salesforce, it will be recreated in at the next synchronisation with the behavioural data controlled by the Data Options that have been selected.)

Select Del from the Email Campaigns tab, confirm the deletion to complete the action.



The Preview Button is used to display the Email campaign as it will appear on monitor, the screen will scroll if necessary.

Use the close button to return to the individual Email Campaign window. This is same a viewing the Email Campaign directly in the Emailing system.

Email Campaign Details

Selecting a Campaign from the list will display the current details of the linked Email Account, statistics, counts and behavioural data if available. It also gives access to the Email Campaign Dash Board.

The Email campaign can be synchronised to the Marketing Automation application using the Synchronise button.


The Detail of the email campaign includes the following sections:

Information - Email campaign name, Status

Email Campaign Statistics - Generals Statistics of the email campaign

Email Campaign Counts - Various counts of total sent, delivered, opened, clicked, forwards and bounces

Data Options - Enabled options for behavioural data synchronisation.

If the Email Campaign to Campaign linking is engaged for membership update.

Includes time/date of last activity of any Email Send Summary and other behaviours.

System Information - Owner information and date of created and last updated.

Page Views are configured for various email campaign behaviours. Their content is controlled by the Data Option and synchronisation settings.

Email Sends will show records for each send directly from Salesforce. The status will automatically update as the send goes through the process, finally showing that the email campaigns has been Sent and the data has been synchronised based on the option settings.

Email Send Summaries each recipient of the email campaign will have an Email Send Summary. This shows the date it was sent and other behaviours. If the email address is matched to a Salesforce Contact/Lead the relevant name is shown as a link. Clicking the link goes to the record, depending on the page layout it will show the individual behaviour.

Email Clicks each recipient that has clicked on a link within the email campaign will have a Click record. This displays the associated Keyword, URL and the IP address.

Email Page Views when web pageview tracking has been engaged in the associated web site the behaviour will be displayed in including the URL.

Email ROI when Return On Investment feedback has been engaged on a web page the behaviour will be displayed.

Email Social Bookmarks will display any contact that has been passed the Email Campaign, the social name is is displayed.

Campaign to Email Campaign Link will display any Salesforce Campaigns that have been directly linked to an Email Campaign. Linking can be applied directly from the Campaign or automatically when the Campaign Members status update feature has been enabled.


The system is supplied with 3 configured dashboard views covering Overall Performance, Delivery Summary and Undeliverable Summary.

Overall Performance

The Overall Performance is displayed as percentages and covers the following 9 areas:

  • Percentage Delivered
  • Percentage Unique Opens
  • Percentage Opens
  • Percentage Unsubscribes
  • Percentage Replies
  • Percentage Hard Bounces
  • Percentage Soft Bounces
  • Percentage User Clicked
  • Percentage Clicks To Open


Delivery Summary

Delivery Summary covers 10 areas of data with the results shown as counts:

  • Total Opens
  • Unique Opens
  • Total Replies
  • Total Page View
  • Total Est. Forwards
  • Total Soft Bounces
  • Total Hard Bounces
  • Total Blocked
  • Total Unsubscribes
  • Total Complaints


Undeliverable Summary

The Undeliverable Summary is represented by a pie chart. If no data is available a chart will not be displayed.


Send Campaign Wizard

The wizard allows the sending of an Email campaign to one or many linked email address books.

Clicking the Send Campaign Wizard button starts the four-part wizard. A loading screen is briefly displayed.

Email Campaigns can also usually be sent directly from Marketing Automation, when sent in this fashion there will be no Email Sends record shown against the Email Campaign.


Select as many of the address books as required from the list, these will be linked to the Email Campaign.

Only Address Books that have been populated with email address details will show a count of the members.

Any Address Book that has the text displayed will need to synchronised before it is able to be selected.

The Filter Target lists box is be used to sort Address books, it selects using the first word of the Campaign name.

All address books can be selected by ticking the box in the title bar (except unpopulated ones).


The screen shows the Target Summary and associated exclusion counts from the last time the address book(s) were synchronised.

The Total Potential Recipients represents the total number of members of the Salesforce campaign from all the selected address books.

Total Maximum Recipients represents the number of email contacts that the linked Email campaign will be sent too (if no other synchronisation is scheduled). It is the actual number of recipients after all suppressions have taken place.

The following counts are based on the Salesforce campaign membership, they give an indication of the number of contacts that have been excluded from the associated address book(s).

Duplicate Targets are email addresses that not unique so these will be excluded.

Targets suppressed by 'Email Opt Out' are emails that will be excluded as the standard Salesforce Field has been checked.

Targets without an Email Address is the number of Salesforce Campaign members that will be excluded as the they have no valid email address recorded.

Suppressed Targets is the number of members that have a type of suppression logged against the contact in the Marketing Automation App, such as hard bounce.

This can be in addition to having the Email Opt Out field being checked.

sf_send_campaign_wizard_supp_analysis.pngWhen there are any indicated suppressions, the totals are represented in a chart.

When more than one Address Book is selected the total of the exclusion are from each individual campaign membership and not across the total membership. Any extra duplication will be carried out immediately before sending process starts. The Email Campaign will only be sent once to any duplicated email address.

Click Next to continue.


Choose to send the campaign immediately or at a scheduled time.

Immediate Send

The settings can be reviewed before the campaign is committed to be sent.


If the Synchronised Contacts check box is checked, all selected address books are synchronised before the email campaign is sent, the delay before the emails are sent varies depending on the number of factors.

If you require an email campaign to be sent without delay or at a prescribed time ensure that it is not checked. This is useful when address books are large and/or change infrequently, setting a scheduled synchronisation before the required send time allows the send to start without delay.

Clicking Send displays the conformation screen.


Click OK to start the send process, a conformation is displayed and then the main screen. Choose Cancel if required.


Scheduled Send

Choosing the scheduled send allows the email campaign to be sent at a time in the future.


Click in the box to display the time/date picker.

The system will try to match time zone settings of the system and show the current time.


Change the hours, minutes and time zone for the correct local time to be sent (Day light saving will be used).


Clicking Send displays the conformation screen.

Click OK to start the send process, a conformation is displayed and then the main screen. Choose Cancel if required.


This button gives access to the behavioural data deletion page.


Checking any or all of the options and then the Clear Email campaign Data will start the deletion process.


The data always remain in main Marketing Automation application and can reintroduced to Salesforce by changing the data option using the Edit button.

Use the close button to return to the individual Email Campaign window.

The data will need to be removed from the Salesforce Recycle Bin before the Salesforce storage is reduced.

Cancel Selected Email Sends

When an Email Campaign has been scheduled to delivered at specified time in the future, and is shown as Scheduled is possible to cancel the send by selecting the email campaign and then the Cancel Selected Email Sends button. A warning message is displayed before the send is cancelled.

It is not possible to cancel any send that are marked as Sent.
