
The Leads page layouts are usually similar to the Contacts details, so the Contacts tab section is outlined below.

Note: As Leads and Contacts have separate data fields in Salesforce, the field mappings used to populate data fields in linked Marketing Automation address books are also mapped separately (see Field Mapping section).

Contacts tab

The Standard Contact tab is unaltered, with the contact page usually having additional layouts added to display data relating to Email campaigns that the contact has been associated with.

If the standard Email Opt Out field is required to (this prevents Salesforce from emailing individual Contacts), this will need to be enabled by a system administrator (see FAQ).

Contact detail


Email Campaign - Displays the number of times the contact has opened, viewed content.

Email Clicks - Displays data related to when the content was opened and clicked.

Email ROI - Purchase data by a contact linking to your website from a link in email.

Email Page Views - Track which pages your contacts go to after clicking a link in your email. WebInsight data if tracked is also displayed in this section

Email Social Bookmarks - Track contacts who shared the email, also on which networks it was viewed on

Suppressed Contacts - Displays which Email Account the suppression originated from, reason and date.

Form Response - If Surveys and Forms are being synchronised, the responses are shown.

Three custom buttons may be available:


Engagement Timeline - This will display a graphical representation of interactions of the Contact. The summary panel shows Name, email address and outline statistics, the lower left panel the Last and First interactions. The main timeline panel will display the selected behavioural data, details can also be selected.


Social Profiles - Retrieves and displays the current Contact/lead’s Social profile, with images. Logos of the associated social sites are shown, selecting one open will open a new tab and navigate to the site. It will take up to 24 hours to retrieve a previously unchecked email address.

Add to Automation Program - Clicking this will allow a contact to be directly added to one or more Automation Program. All mapped data will be available for use in the program. If the contact has yet to be synchronized it will be added to the All Contacts. Only Active Programs can be selected, all connected accounts are shown with selected programs showing in the right hand side panel.
