Using 'double opt-in'

Using 'double opt-in'

Double opt-in (DOI), also known as confirmed opt-in (COI), is regarded as best practice because it makes sure that contacts really want to receive your emails. This is turned on by default on most accounts.

Double opt-in also protects you from the following:

  • Malicious opt-ins (for example, opt-ins that are made by spam bots)
  • Spam complaints

Enabling/Disabling verified double opt-in by default

  1. Click the person-and-cog icon in the side panel
  2. Go to Account > Account settings
  3. Under the 'Features' section, select 'Enable double opt-in on my list signups'
  4. Click Save settings

From this point on, we'll send a confirmation email to all new contacts who opt into your communications.

Customizing your confirmation email


Step 1 - create a brand new 'triggered' campaign
and ensure you include a double opt-in link
Step 2 - set up your double opt-in settings
Step 3 - generate your web form for automatic signup
What happens next?

You can choose to sign up contacts from your website using the 'double opt-in' function.

This means that having completed the signup form, they will be sent an automatic email which requires them to click on a link to verify their opt-in. This is regarded as best practice in email marketing.

There are several steps in setting up the 'double opt-in' function:

Step 1 - create a brand new 'triggered' campaign and ensure you include a double opt-in link

You must first create a new campaign and set its type to 'triggered'. Please note that you can't edit the type of an existing campaign. Creating a new triggered campaign can be done in one of either two ways. One way is to select Campaigns > New campaign, select your template, click on Campaign settings in the campaign setup screen (step 1) and then select Triggered from the window that displays, as shown below.


Click Close and then Save & continue button to open your campaign template in EasyEditor. Create your campaign as you would normally.

Alternatively, you can select Automation > Triggered campaign content, click on Add new from under 'My triggered campaigns' and then select your template. Your campaign will automatically be set as a triggered campaign, which you can confirm by clicking on Campaign settings in the campaign setup screen (step 1). Again, click Close and then Save & continue button to open your campaign template in EasyEditor.

Sample message:


Move to the appropriate area of your template and click the Link button located in the toolbar. The Add a link window is displayed. Click on Double opt-in and enter the text into the text box that you'd like displayed for this link, followed by clicking Insert.


The link is inserted into your template as shown below:


Save and test your campaign in the normal manner.

Step 2 - set up your double opt-in settings

Go to Contacts in the top navigation bar and then select Advanced features from the dropdown. You will find yourself in the Double opt-in settings tab as shown below:


First, select the campaign you wish to send using the dropdown list. All triggered campaigns will be displayed.


Next, select the action you wish to occur after the recipient has clicked on your campaign link to verify double opt-in.


If you select Go to a page, enter the URL of the page in the box underneath. This will normally be a "thank you" or "success" page that they're directed to once the opt-in is successful.

If you select Show some text, type the message in the box that displays underneath.

Once you have completed this screen, click on the Save button.

Step 3 - generate your web form for automatic signup

Go back to Contacts in the navigation bar and then select Signup forms from the dropdown.


Create your web form by selecting the appropriate form mode, address book and custom contact data fields to be included.

Ensure Require double opt-in for any subscribing users is ticked.

You can also tick Validation to ensure all of the signup form's fields are filled in.

Additionally, you can enter a URL under Return page to send a user to once they've submitted the form.

Once you've selected how you want your signup form to be, click on the Create form button which will generate the HTML to be added to your web page for automatic signup.

What happens next?

When a contact uses the signup form on your web page to subscribe to one of your campaigns, they are automatically sent the triggered campaign you selected in the Double opt-in settings screen.

They will not appear in the address book you selected under Signup forms until they have clicked on the verification link in the email.

Once they click on the verification link, they will see the message you entered or be taken to the page you selected under the Double opt-in settings screen.

saved_resource_8_.pngAt this point, they will be added to the address book you selected and their Opt-in type will be set as 'Verified double'.

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