Dynamic Content enables you to tailor your campaign so different groups of your audience receive different content, different offers, images, copy or calls to action.
This means you can send one campaign with multiple targeted messages for different groups of customers. Which message each group receives is dependent on the rules you set when you create the Dynamic Content.
The example set below will show different messages based on gender; you can build much more complicated rules based on (for example) age, location and any other data field in your account.
Creating dynamic content
Drag a dynamic content element in from the sidebar.
This will create a new element with no rules and no content.
You are now ready to start building your dynamic content.
Elements of a dynamic content element
Each dynamic content element consists of three main aspects:
Default content
This is the default content that your contacts will see if none of the rules says otherwise. Your default content can be blank if you don't want your contacts to see the content by default.
This is the content that you want contacts to see who meet specific criteria set in your rules. This content can be blank or contain any other drag-and-drop elements, including other dynamic content. There is a limit of 10 variations per dynamic content.
These are the criteria you set to determine whether contacts see the default content, or a variation. For example: "Gender equals Male", or "Age is greater than 65" (rules can be much more complex than this).
Creating your content
Just like any other drag-and-drop zone, you can drag in content into your default content and variations from the sidebar or from elsewhere in your campaign.
In the below example, we've dragged in a piece of content from the existing template to use as the default content.
You can also clone a piece of dynamic content used in a previous campaign.
Once you've created your default content, you're ready to add your variation content.
Click on Variations in the top left corner of the element, and then the Add a new variation button.
This will bring up a box with details of your new variation. First of all, give the variation a name; in the image below we have named the variation "Business traveller version".
Next you need to set a rule based on one of your default or custom data fields - to do this click on [select another contact datafield].
This will open the rule builder.
Select from one of the default or custom data fields to base your rule. Below the data fields you can set what rule is applied.
For text based fields you can set rules for:
For date based fields you can set rules for:
And for number based fields you can set rules for:
Once your rule is set, click OK.
You can add multiple rules to be very specific about what content to show each client. The 'AND' lozenge ( ) indicates that all rules created must be true for a contact to see your variation. Clicking on this will toggle between "AND" and "OR"; if set to "OR" only one of your rules need be true for a contact to see your variation.
When all your rules are ready, click the Apply button.
You now have a piece of dynamic content with two variations. You can see what variation is currently being displayed by its name in the top left hand corner. To switch between variations click on Variations in the top left hand corner of the element.
In this drop-down menu you can:
You can also rearrange the order the rules are applied by dragging the variation names up or down; the "default" variation will always be the last one in the list.
On your selected variation, drag in the content you want displayed to contacts matching the rules applied.
Previewing dynamic content
When previewing your campaign, you can choose to:
Saving dynamic content to re-use it
To save having to create the same rules each time you want to use dynamic content, you can save dynamic content blocks by dragging them onto the left-hand 'Build' area.