Working with the program builder canvas interface

Working with the program builder canvas interface


Working with program nodes
Working with program connectors
» Naming end nodes
» Moving, duplicating and deleting nodes
» Annotations
Finding your way around the program canvas
» Zooming in and out
Undoing and redoing


Whenever you create a new program or edit an existing one, you'll be working with the program builder canvas.

This is where you can drag in and drop nodes, link them together with connectors, and generally manipulate and move everything about as you construct your program.

Working with program nodes

A new program begins with a single Start node. Additional nodes are dragged in from the side panel onto the program builder canvas.


Settings on each individual node are configured by clicking on the dropped node.


Naming end nodes

End nodes can be named. This can prove extremely useful for programs with two end nodes or more, meaning your program activity reporting can record which one a contact exited via.

To name an end node, click on it and, as prompted by the side panel, name your program end point, followed by clicking Apply. This name will then appear within the node (where it used to say 'Exit program'). This name will also be recorded as the program outcome for a contact, rather than the default 'Exit program'.


Moving, duplicating and deleting nodes

Once you've dragged a program node onto the canvas, you can move it around by clicking the bar at the top of the node.

A node can be duplicated by clicking on the duplicate icon in the top right corner of the node's bar. A carbon copy of the node will be made, including whatever is configured in the node at the time.

A node can be deleted by clicking on the × in the top right corner of the node (or by hitting the delete key when a node is selected).



Under 'Annotations' in the side panel, you're able to drag in and drop a Text label wherever you like onto the canvas, allowing you to add helpful notes to your program.

For example, you can use these as a reminder of what various nodes are set up to do, or quickly outline how and why a program has been constructed in a particular way, which could prove useful either to you, or a colleague who needs to make a change at a later date.

Text labels are editable and resizable, so your note can be as long as you need to make it, or can be made to fit into an available space. They can also overlap nodes.

Working with program connectors

To move an unattached connector to a free-standing node, just mouse over the dot at the end of the connector until the hand icon appears, then click on the end of the connector and drag it over to the node you want to connect to.

You can't make a connection to a node that is 'upstream' of the current node, so as to create a loop. And the two (yes/no) connectors from a decision can't target the same node.


To delete a connector, mouse over the connecting point coming from the originating node and click on the red cross that appears; this will break the connection.


To re-route a connector, mouse over the connecting point on the node it is pointing at, and drag the connector to the new target node.


When the program is complete, there should be no unconnected nodes. All nodes should be part of the main program flow, and all program routes should terminate in an end node.

Finding your way around the program canvas

You can pull yourself about the canvas by holding down the mouse button and dragging around.

You also have further canvas positioning controls in the top right corner of the canvas. These can be used to move up and down and left and right, whilst underneath this is a Home button. Clicking on it will take you back to the program start point, which is useful if you ever get a little disoriented on the canvas!


Zooming in and out

You can zoom in and out of the program canvas by clicking on the +/- buttons, or by using your mouse scroll.


This enables you to quickly see the bigger picture of your program, and also to zoom in on the parts you want to pay extra attention to.

To return to the default zoom view, just click on the Home button.

Undoing and redoing

Don't worry if you delete or add something you didn't mean to, or have made edits you no longer want and wish to retrace your steps. You have undo/redo buttons along the toolbar, and you can also use the normal keyboard shortcuts for these (Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y).


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